Fun for kids and Information for parents

School Bus Bullying
Why Bullies Pick the Bus
For bullies interested in picking on their peers, the school bus is an ideal location. Supervision is generally minimal before boarding the bus and while on the bus, the only adult is often the driver who cannot see everything because they also have to operate the vehicle. The bus is a small confined space; victims have no place to retreat and often have no choice but to ride the bus which makes them an easy target.
Dangers of Bus Bullying
There is no doubt that bullying is dangerous to the student being tormented – in addition to physical harm, constant bullying can damage a child’s confidence, self-esteem and other personality traits. Bullying can be dangerous to everyone in the vehicle because of the close quarters; other students can easily be drawn into the action, either as additional victims or succumbing to the peer pressure to be a bully themselves. Severe bullying can distract the bus driver, increasing the risk of an accident.
Signs of Bus Bullying
Students who are being bullied may not be willing to approach adults for help because they are concerned with being labeled weak or tattle-tales. Some signs of bullying on the bus may include:
- Fear of going to school or of riding the bus.
- Habitually delaying or otherwise deliberately trying to miss the bus.
- Continually asking for rides to school or finding excuses to ride with friends instead of on the bus.
- Ripped clothes, missing possessions or signs of physical abuse that a teacher is unable to report happening in class or at school.
How to React to Bullying
It is estimated that nearly one in five students is subjected to school bus bullying, however there are steps that students can take to help prevent or stop bus bullying. Students can…
- Sit as close to the bus driver as possible and on the right-hand side of the bus so they are visible to the driver.
- Pair up with a neighborhood friend and ride the bus together.
- Be polite to someone who tries to bully them rather than reacting with anger; fighting back should never be an option and will only make the situation worse.
- Tell adults when bullying happens, including parents, teachers and the bus driver.
- Stand up for other students who are being bullied to keep it from spreading.
Stranger Danger
Many children walk to and from their bus stop alone and arrive at home after school without parental supervision. Children often need to be reminded that people who look friendly are not always nice. Keep safe with these tips:
- Always tell your parents where you are going.
- Try not to walk anywhere alone. Walk with a friend.
- Don’t tell your name or address to a stranger.
- Never take candy, money or gifts from a stranger.
- Never get into a car with anyone you don’t know.
- Do not get close to strangers. Make sure you have room to run.
- Don’t take shortcuts through the woods, a back street or empty lot.
- Never go with a stranger to help look for a lost pet or play a game.
- If a stranger bothers you, run away and ask an adult for help.
- Know safe places you can go. Try a police or fire station, the library, a store or a friend’s house.
- If a stranger follows you or grabs for you, yell real loud. Shout, “I don’t know you,” so people know you are in trouble. Fight back and make as much noise as you can.
- If anyone touches you in a bad way, say “NO” as loudly as you can and run away. Tell an adult immediately.
- Tell your parents about places or people that make you feel unsafe.
- Talk to your parents and come up with a secret code word for emergencies. Never go with anyone unless they know the secret code word.
- Never tell anyone on the phone you are alone. Know how and when to call 9-1-1.
- Never open the door to a stranger.
School Bus Safety and Electricity
When you play in your home or outside, you must obey electrical safety rules. Electrical safety is important on your school bus too! If your school bus is an accident and a power line comes down on or near the bus, follow these important rules:
Rule 1: Obey and listen to your bus driver!
Rule 2: Be very quiet and sit still! Wait for your bus driver to tell you what to do next.
Rule 3: Stay in your seat! The safest place is on the bus.
Rule 4: Know how to get off the bus! If your bus driver tells you it’s time to leave the bus, follow these rules:
- Line up quickly and quietly.
- Watch the bus driver for instructions.
- Keep your feet together. Hold your arms tightly at your sides.
- Jump clear without touching the bus and the ground at the same time.
- Land with feet together and shuffle a safe distance away from the bus.
Rule 5: Move away without touching the bus, and stay a safe distance from the accident.
Rule6: Stay together in a group. Listen to your bus driver until help arrives.
Don’t forget these safety tips as well:
- Don’t fly kites near power lines.
- Don’t climb trees that are touching power lines.
- Always stay away from downed power lines and report the danger to an adult immediately.
- Water and electricity don’t mix. Never use any electrical objects near water.
M.L. Bradley Zone
How to Cross the Road Safely
Know the Danger Zone around the School bus and follow these rules!
- Stay out of the danger zone at all times!
- Remember — if you can’t see the driver, the driver can’t see you!
- Never go near the bus unless the driver has given you the signal to come!
- Never, ever walk or play behind a vehicle!
- When you go near the bus, always, always be sure you can see the bus driver!
- If you drop anything in the danger zone leave it. Never, never stop to pick it up!’